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ufologia abduçao

Ufology is the science or research about UFOs, extraterrestrial abductions, crop-circles, ufoarcheology, and more.
Not all websites take the topic seriously. Unfortunately, on YouTube, hundreds of fake videos circulate. This can take away the topic's credibility. On the other hand, positively, there are more and more whistleblowers and documents from the Navy and Air Force that credibly prove the existence of UFOs.
If you search the FBI and CIA websites for FOIA UFOs, you will find several documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Not all UFOs we observe are of extraterrestrial origin; some are military, created by humans through the recovery of Ufo wreckage (reverse engineering).

Alien Abduction

alien abduction

You have certainly heard of alien abduction, right ?

For fear of being ridiculed, millions of people claim to have been abducted. We will never know the right numbers. Thousands of people are silent for fear of being ridiculed.
In the United States and the United Kingdom, some insurance companies even offer alien abduction insurance (AAI). Such insurance covers expenses for surgeries (for removal of implants), health treatments, or hypnotherapy.
The first known abduction case was reported in September 1961, involving the Barney and Betty Hill couple.

People, in general, do not remember the experience completely; they have a vague feeling of having seen an UFO and that something happened to them; only after regressive hypnosis do they remember all the details (the subconscious mind stores all the details).
Some people became ill (perhaps due to radiation exposure), others acquired psychic abilities, healing gifts, premonition, began channeling spiritual messages, etc.

Some evidence of these abductive experiments ranges from extraneous marks in the body to nano alien implants, which after being surgically extracted and analyzed in the laboratory revealed extraneous magnetic properties or their composition was not any metal known on the planet, while others appear to be biological materials (almost as living tissue).

Although abduction is said to be a recent phenomenon, it is not true.

If we analyze some biblical scriptures, some characters report having had encounters with "angels" who appeared in flying fire chariots. These descriptions were the possible interpretations that individuals at the time were able to make of the UFO phenomenon.

The prophet Ezekiel reported the visit of a flying object, a kindof cloud surrounded by a type of fire, and even described the landing gear of the ship.
Like other reports from the Middle Ages about apparitions of demons and a strong odor of sulfur, they could actually be extraterrestrials and abduction cases, but people at the time could never understand this and interpreted it as paranormal incidents, possessions, etc.

The purpose of the abductions is unclear, we still have to theorize several hypotheses, extraterrestrials may be carrying out genetic experiments to save their own species (artificial inseminations, extraterrestrial hybrid babies), some women report having been pregnant and babies removed, may be situations of beings of the future (ultraterrestrials) who are trying to save ours and , therefore , their future.

Aliens don't seem to have reproductive organs, so to perpetuate the species they will have to make clones. Some children who are born with very rare genetic diseases, or autism, can be experiences of this hybridization.
They may be studying our conscience and soul (this has been reported by many abductees) gray beings appear to be semi-synthetic beings without conscience or soul, so they are curious to study the human being.
Just as humans study rats and other animals in the laboratory, without even asking them for permission (as they consider animals to be an inferior species), extraterrestrials may have the same vision about us, have their own agenda, in fact they may have been our creators
(if analyze Sumerian legends about the Anunnaki).

The Human Genome Project revealed after several studies that 97% of our junk DNA (non-coding sequences) is of extraterrestrial origin. The mathematical code in the genetic sequence does not explain human evolution. Link here.

The vast majority of "junk DNA" is actually a large panel with millions of switches that regulate the activity of our genes. Without these controls, the genes encoding proteins do not work.
During abduction, people reported having been levitated by a beam of light into the UFO.
Some kind of technology using a photonic tractor beam?

Transdimensional remolecuralization:

A term to explain the process of transferring entities between densities or to teleport, as in cases of alien abductions.
Teleportation means that the person (or object) is dematerialized, and then rematerialized (molecularly regrouped) at the destination point. Consciousness is transferred apart, but almost simultaneously, and evolved and protected by an energetic field.

There are dozens of books by authors who are hypnotherapists, and researchers, some are doctors and were interested in the topic. Books with hundreds of abductee interviews help us to better understand this puzzle, piece by piece.

Some people reported that at the time of the abduction they tried to scream for help but the spouse (who slept next to him, in bed) did not even hear, which can mean two things: the abductee had the feeling that he was screaming but no sound came out. his mouth (these functions were being inhibited by the extraterrestrials) and the partner (a) who was sleeping was in a deep state of sleep (under psychotronic influence). Other abductees reported that when their body was "sucked" into the light tunnel into the UFO, they felt as if they were inside a "vacuum tube"

It may seem like a science fiction, but our human scientists are slowly, in slow steps, already learning how to do this in a theoretical way at least.
Scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) say they have found a way to levitate and propel objects using only light.
On the other hand, Australian scientists have created a laser tractor beam, but it still only attracts and repels objects micrometric particles.
Others combine photonic tractor beam (light, laser) with sonic tractor beam (acoustic).
Link here.

Although they are still childish steps, little by little we are understanding the basic technology behind this phenomenon, it is understandable that extraterrestrials with more advanced technology are able to levitate people and teleport them. It is not a difficult illogical thing.

Alien Implants

alien implants

American Dr. Roger Leir (not among us anymore) have removed more than twelve implants from alleged alien abductees, reveals that the implants have some unusual characteristics, including the emission of radio signals and movement separately under the subject's skin.

In addition to serving to track subjects, they could also serve to send telepathically messages, telepresence or biometrics. Implants may also be used to modify the human genome. See Dr. Leir’s book, "The Aliens and the Scalpel".
A curious detail is that there were no scars (marks of having placed an implant) on the individuals' bodies.

Before removal surgery, dr. Leir used magnetic field and metal detectors in order to assist him in the exact location of the implants. Strangely, the objects had a high magnetic field. Patients were anesthetized for removal locally with sufficient anesthesia doses for six hours of operation.
During surgery, dr. Leir touched one of the implants that were housed in the patient's toe, when he noticed a strange reaction - the patient appeared to receive a very strong electric shock, jumping from the operating table. The interesting thing is that the two patients presented this picture, a very painful surgery, despite the sufficient amount of anesthetics. These nerve responses indicate that the objects are directly linked to a nerve branch.

Initial tests on the outer membrane surrounding the implants showed that it had a composition identical to the patient's own blood, and nerve endings.
It is noticed that these implants are often made of meteoric iron (with isotopes not found on Earth), with cobalt and significant amounts of iridium. They contain rates that do not occur naturally on Earth. One was of the nickel and iron meteorite class, called hexahedrites. Speculatively: heavier isotopes could have been formed close to the galactic nucleus and / or due to supernovae.

Before being removed, some implants emit radio signals, with MF electromagnetic radiation, at scalar frequencies of 93 MHz, 15 MHz, or even a frequency used in communication satellites. They appear to have a layer on their surface that is sensitive to photons, so that it relays sound waves. They contain electronics in carbon nano tubes, which are not found in nature.

dr Roger Leir
Dr Leir

How an Implant Works

chip extraterrestre

Avoiding (or try to avoid) abduction:

These indications are preventive only, it does not indicate that they work at 100%, but they are a little help.
Get spiritual, reinforce your spirit and awareness, in order to have more control over your mind and offer greater resistance if the aliens try to telepathically induce you.
Train psychic defense methods.
Have an electromagnetic field detector (EMF) in the room.
The grays, with large black eyes, seem sensitive to light. If you have a flashlight on the nightstand and you can move your body, aim the light at their faces.
Gray aliens are said to absorb nutrients (and food) through the mucous membranes of their skin. So a defensive technique could go through attacking them with some toxic spray can. Pesticide or pepper spray, for example.
Smudging herbs in the bedroom (for example with white sage) seems to overwhelm them, maybe it is toxic to them.

Hybrid Aerospace spacecraft patent

hybrid extraterrestrial ship

For decades, on conspiracy and ufology sites, it was claimed that many UFOs that are observed in the sky are of human origin (they are projects created by reverse engineering, reconstruction of recovered ships). The US Navy and Air Force have truly operable UFO patents (these are not concepts).
One of the skulls behind some of these patents is Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer who collaborated on the Navy's Strategic Systems Program. He received a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1999.
Dr Salvatore Pais currently works for the Aircraft Division at the Air Naval Warfare Center (NAWCAD) in Patuxent River, Maryland.

Recently a renowned IEEE TPS magazine published a project of his on a Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor. So man is not a dreamer who draws only sketches, he understands matter. Salvatore Pais published several articles and presented papers at conferences of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics over the years, describing his work in electromagnetic propulsion, revolutionary ambient temperature superconductors and topics such as his doctoral dissertation: "Bubble generation under conditions of reduced severity for both co-flows and cross-flow configurations ".

Patents are registered and assigned to the US Navy. One of the schemes looks like a triangular, plasma-powered UFO, a hybrid aerospace and underwater spacecraft.
He claims that this aircraft is capable of extraordinary speed and maneuverability in air, water and outer space, thanks to a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.

The Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Naval Aviation Enterprise personally wrote a letter addressed to the Patent Examiner of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) claiming that the Chinese are already "investing significantly" in these aerospace technologies. The United States does not want to miss the technological race.

NASA helped fund Dr. Pais' dissertation, and published a pdf copy of the publication and a list of his publications on the website.

Pais is named inventor of four separate patents for which the US Navy is assignee: a “High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator;”, an ambient temperature superconductor; a 'force field' electromagnetic generator that can deflect asteroids; and, perhaps the strangest of all, one entitled "Vessel using an inertial mass reduction device".

This was what the Technical Director of the Naval Aviation Company personally approved in a letter to the USPTO, claiming that the Chinese are already developing similar capabilities. .

The concept of the Aerospace and Underwater Hybrid spacecraft (HAUC) is quite simple, although the engineering required to make it a reality is nothing.All matter contains energy at the quantum level.Theoretically creating its own incredibly dense and polarized energy field, it is claimed that the hybrid spacecraft is capable of creating a quantum 'vacuum' around itself, allowing it to repel any molecule of air or water with which it interacts.Thus, the vessel can essentially ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces, or so is claimed in the patent US20170313446A1 . .

alien spaceship

Throughout his patents and publications describing the aerospace hybrid aerospace vessel, Pais writes that the radical feats of speed and maneuverability that the vessel is supposed to be capable of can be achieved by coupling "high frequency axial rotation" or "accelerated vibration" to "high frequency vibrations from electrically charged systems".

In other words, an ambient temperature superconductor can be created capable of storing an incredibly high amount of energy and obtaining the energy field created by that superconductor by moving at incredibly high speeds around or inside the ship. You can create a polarized vacuum of energy around you, which basically allows you to ignore the energy of the air or water around you, thus removing your own inertia and mass from the equation.
Summing up; the electromagnetic field of the spacecraft creates a disturbance of the nonlinear space-time background around the spacecraft (a kind of energy bubble) thereby reducing the mass of the spacecraft, nullifying the effect of gravity on the spacecraft (negative pressure or repulsive gravity), which is antigravity).

In his most recent publication, Pais describes the aerospace hybrid aerospace vessel as a cone-shaped vehicle that would appear rounded from the front or rear: “the HAUC is conical in shape, with an elliptical cross section, similar in geometry to a hypersonic sliding vehicle / dart. Interestingly, the ship's descriptions in several Pais publications and even the “Vessel using an inertial mass reduction device” patent include space for a crew compartment protected by a Faraday cage.

It is possible to view submarine aerospace hybrid vessels (HAUC), which can function as submersible vessels capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of friction with skin and water) and improved aerial / underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear RF and sonar dispersion) signals). This hybrid spacecraft would move very easily through the air / space / water media, being enclosed in a vacuum / plasma / sheath bubble, due to the coupled effects of the EM field-induced air / water particle repulsion and energy polarization of the vacuum.
Let's analyze some technical details of the Patent, it seems that Dr Salvatore Pais is quite knowledgeable in Quantum Physics as well.

Electromagnetic fields act as carriers of energy and momentum, interacting with physical entities at the most fundamental level.

«Artificially generated high-energy electromagnetic fields, such as those generated with a high-energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMEG), interact strongly with the vacuum's energy state. The state of vacuum energy can be described as an aggregate / collective state, composed of the superposition of all fluctuations in the quantum fields that permeate the entire fabric of space-time.
The interaction of high energy with the energy state of the vacuum can give rise to emerging physical phenomena, such as the unification of the fields of force and matter.
According to quantum field theory, this strong interaction between fields is based on the mechanism of transfer of vibrational energy between fields. The transfer of vibrational energy induces even more local fluctuations in adjacent quantum fields that permeate space-time.
Everything around us, including ourselves, can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations and oscillations in the fields of quantum mechanics.
Matter is confined energy, linked by fields, frozen in as much time.»

salvatore Pais

Some patents registered by Salvatore Pais can be found on Google:
An electromagnetic field generator, a plasma compression fusion device, a high frequency gravitational wave generator, among others.

Credible sources of information:
The War zone
Link 2
NASA archive

It remains for us to finally reflect, this type of ship is still a concept and has not yet been built? Or have you been flying over the skies for decades? The triangular shape has been observed a lot.
The famous hypersonic aircraft Aurora is identical, another triangular military spacecraft is the TR-3B.
In Belgium from 1989 to 1990 hundreds of people saw, and photographed, triangular UFOs.

triangle ufos

TR-3B ufo


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